Loteria is a board game with cards that can be traced far back in history. Contrary to popular belief the game originated in Italy, in the 15th Century. This game made it's way all through out Europe, and eventually traveled to the new world in or around 1769. The word Loteria is a Mexican word that means lottery. What makes it interesting about this Loteria game is that although it is a bingo game, the card used is very unique and different from the bingo cards that we know. Are Loteria cards Tarot cards? Loteria cards are cards that consist of pictures and also numbers.

La Loteria Card Meanings

This is going to be a long post. In here, I will briefly explain what each means and then, like the Tarot, we will start a small segment on learning this form of divination as well.Loteria
1) El Gallo - The Rooster
Someone would deny or betray you. Look for an alarm or alert.
2) El Diablito - The Little Devil
Behave yourself. Mischief. Someone who's destructive or sexual. Temptation.
3) La Dama - The Lady
Someone is showing off. Handle the issue with grace. A woman. Mother. Wife.
4) El Catrin - The Dandy
Let go of what you're holding on to. Improve yourself. A man. Father. Husband.
5) El Paraguas - The Umbrella
Protection from the bad times. Guardian. Shielded. Safety.
6) La Sirena - The Mermaids
Being lead falsely. Be wary of what appears to be good. Keep a clear head. Temptation. Alluring.
7) La Escalera - The Ladder
One step at a time. Keep moving forward (or upward). Progress.
8) La Botella - The Bottle
Caution of addiction or someone drowning their sorrows. Illusion.
9) El Barril - The Barrel
Too much of anything is a bad thing. Don't overindulge
10) El Arbol - The Tree
Ask for help and you will receive it. Stability. Security.
11) El Melon - The Melon
La loteria cardMake a decision already; take it or leave it.
12) El Valiente - The Brave Man
Don't fear, you have what you need to be successful. Heroic. Courageous.
13) El Gorrito - The Bonnet
Take care of those around you. Someone needs looking after. A Child.
14)La Muetre
Can mean literal death. Dissatisfaction with self-image. Denial of something necessary. An end.
15) La Pera - The Pear
Don't wait or you'll lose. Short lived. Hesitation. Move quickly.
16) La Bandara - The Flag
Stand for what you believe in. Victory. Success.
17) El Bandolon - The Mandolin
Enjoy yourself. Harmony. Dance. Party. Social gathering. Let loose.
18) El Violoncello - The Cello
Don't be something you're not. Accept what or who you are. Finding happiness where you have it.
19) La Garza - The Haron
You may find love in an unlikely place or have to go out in search for it.
20) El Pajaro - The Bird
Nervousness. Follow through with your actions; don't pretend to take action only to back out. Speak up.
21) La Mano - The Hand
Dishonesty. Criminal. Or be careful of the people you are around and the choices you make. Theft.
22) La Bota - The Boot
Nothing has changed, or one decision is as good as the other. Set in their ways.
23) La Luna - The Moon
Love is in the air. Feminine. Inner voice. Emotions. Mystery. Secrets. Lovers.
24) El Cotorro - The Parrot
The truth. Don't repeat everything you hear. Listening only to respond. Be sociable. Communicate.
25) El Borracho - The Drunk
Partying too much. Being Controlled or influenced. Unpredictability. Actions speak louder than words.
26) El Negrito - The Black Man
Friendship. Looking on the brighter side. Someone who has a difficult life, but sees the good in it.
27) El Corazon - The Heart
Small Loteria CardsRomantic feelings. Emotions. A Longing for someone. Wait for true love.
28) La Sandia - The Watermelon
Sweetness. Fulfillment. Plenty. Enjoy and be merry as there is plenty to go around.
29) El Tambor - The Drum
Warning. Things are not as they appear. Someone is wanting you or to use you.
30) El Camaron - The Shrimp
Don't hesitate or you'll be lost. In control. The situation is larger than expected.
31) Las Jaras - The Arrows
Focus. Meeting goals. Desired outcomes. Plans. Practice makes perfect.
32) The Muscian
A creative person. Stubborn. Undesired outcomes. Deceit. Miscalculation.

Small Loteria Cards Game

33) La Arana - The Spider
Danger. Swift action is required. Someone means you harm. Risk.
34) El Soldado - The Solider
Following the rules. Order. Rigid situation. Do what you know. Stick to your path.
35 La Estrella - The Star
Hope. Guidance. Help. Finding your way through a difficult or unknown situation is easy.

Small Loteria Cards

36) El Cazo - The Saucepan
Mixing things up, pay attention. Feeling annoyed. Ignore the problem or you're being ignored. Missing something important.
37) El Mundo - The world
Burdens. Worries. Everything is inter-connected. Look to the foundation.
38) El Apache - The Apache
Surrounded by danger. Untrustworthy. Thugs. Gangs. Problems. A serious situation.
39) El Nopal - The Cactus
Something beautiful can sting you. You know what needs to be done to get what you need.
40) El Alcaran - The Scorpian
Danger near. Watch or you'll be stung. Caution. Back stabbed.
41) La Rosa - The Rose
Beauty. Love. Desire. Someone is being transparent. Emotionally open. Want is within arm's reach.
42) La Calavera - The Skull
Life is short. Things are in their place. Look and you'll find something new. Not unexpected, but still a shock.

Small Loteria Cards

43) La Campana - The Bell
Announcement. Something hanging over your head. Come clean. Tell the truth.
44) El Canarito - The Pitcher
Having plenty. Seeking something. Persistent. Possibly obsessive. Not giving up.
Small Loteria Cards45) El Venado - The Deer
Ignoring the situation at hand. Untruthfulness. Pretending. Acting as if nothing is wrong.

Loteria Card 10

46) El Sol - The Sun
Masculine. Shining the light on something. The brighter side. Shelter. Housing. Helping the poor.
47) La Corona - The Crown
Leadership. Authority. Ruling over. Parent. Boss. Very important person.
48) La Chalupa - Little Boat
Journeys. Travel. Small steps. Something seems insignificant, but isn't. Tread slowly. Movement by ship or boat.
49) El Pino - The Pine
Celebration. Perseverance. Calm. Positive outcome. Good things coming. Purpose. Long standing.
50) El Pescado - The Fish
Being caught. Not in your element. Keep quite. Misunderstanding. Miscommunication.
51) La Palma - The Palm
Hard work. Pleasing someone. Rewards. Prizes. Work paying off.

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52) La Maceta - The Flowerpot
Over protection. Frustration. Unchanging. Unyielding. Steadfast. Destiny. Outcomes meant to happen.
53) La Arpa - The Harp
Healing. Letting go of old ways. New discoveries. Modern. Loss of usefulness. A time for everything.
54) La Rana - The Frog

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Quick movement. Versatile. Fears. Pay attention to the little things. Surprise.

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© 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame This list is my own interpretation. There isn't a published book on layouts, meanings, or really even a how to. Please use if you are only versed in another form of divination.
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